In late 2024, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) recognized the exceptional work of the Material Control & Accountability (MC&A) Academy Team with an Honor Award. MELE Senior Security Analyst Geneva J. and Senior Security Specialist Wilder G. played key roles in the Academy Team’s success.
MC&A plays a critical role within the NNSA’s Nuclear Security Enterprise (NSE). The MC&A function includes mission critical work for the NSE, assistance to site MC&A programs, quality materials characterization, measurements, accounting, and control, among other important tasks. Over the last few years, attracting and retaining MC&A talent has become challenging due to an aging workforce and increased attrition levels that have created a scarcity of MC&A experts to fill open roles.
Enter the NNSA MC&A Academy. Founded in 2024, the NNSA started the MC&A Academy initiative to build its future MC&A pipeline.
The Academy is a multi-week training program based on simulated activities that can occur at the NNSA sites. The Academy has a two-prong approach to keeping the MC&A pipeline robust: the Academy trains undergraduate student interns (talent recruiting) and offers training and mentorship opportunities to early- and mid-career MC&A professionals (talent retention.)
MELE’s own Geneva J. and Wilder G played integral roles in the creation of the Academy training curriculum and were both part of the genesis of the Academy idea.
“Our team was test-bedding a new interactive and immersive training course, and we decided to do that with college students at the University of Tennessee. Lew Monroe, Chief, Defense Nuclear Security, liked what he saw. He told the NNSA MC&A Functional Area Manager, Amy Whitworth, that the college event could help with recruitment, and he wanted her to develop an Academy based on this event,” shared Geneva.
“The NNSA MC&A team then designed the NNSA MC&A Academy to create a means of providing knowledgeable personnel into our site level MC&A programs, strengthen the existing technical base, and promote the critical thinking skills and creative problem solving that enables the NNSA’s mission,” she added. Approximately 40 individuals have participated in the Academy training program since the summer of 2024 launch.
One key aspect of the Academy program is that it not only delivers expert training, valuable experience, and rewarding mentorships, but it also jumpstarts the security clearance process and produces cleared individuals ready for hire.
To find the right interns and participants, the Academy team created key partnerships with multiple organizations, including National Laboratories and Plants, the National Training Center, NNSA Field Offices, and the Minority Serving Institution Intern Program (MSIIP). Building a diverse MC&A talent pipeline, from both a skill and background perspective, was an important initiative within the Academy.
“To expand the MC&A talent pipeline and keep it full over the long haul, we realized that we need to expand our reach. The partnership with the Minority Serving Institution Partnership Program (MSIPP) helped connect MC&A with new talent. The MSIPP creates and supports a sustainable career pathway that prepares a diverse workforce of talented students to make immediate and significant contributions to the NSE. MSIPP develops strategic partnerships between Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and the NSE. MSIPP provides interns to all the NNSA Program Offices and facilities through this important partnership,” shared Geneva.
For college students, the Academy is a fantastic career resource that delivers on its promise to participants and the NSE.
“This internship program is unique as it involves getting security clearances for interns and ensuring a substantive internship experience and intensive training. The internship, if successful, leads to a guaranteed position at one of the NNSA Sites or Field Offices. Interns are asked to give three years in that MC&A position. The training and internship assignments are also applicable to a broad range of work across the NNSA NSE. Once an intern graduates from the academy and completes their three years, they’re eligible to apply to a MC&A related job as a viable and highly ranked candidate,” stated Geneva.
MELE Senior Program Manager Wes G., who is also Geneva’s and Wilder’s supervisor, believes the Academy—and the MELE team members that are integral parts of its success—can deliver significant benefits to participants and will continue to play a vital role supporting NNSA’s critical mission.
“Geneva and Wilder bring a wealth of specialized knowledge and experience in MC&A methodologies, tools, and best practices. Their insights can significantly accelerate participants’ understanding and application of complex MC&A concepts. Beyond theoretical knowledge, Academy mentors often have firsthand experience having worked at various NNSA Sites. Additionally, the MELE team provides valuable, constructive feedback, enabling participants to identify areas for growth and continuously improve their knowledge,” Wes stated.
“The Academy perfectly illustrates how the federal government seeks solutions to its challenges and how MELE collaborates with federal oversight to develop effective solutions,” he added. “Our federal partners deserve a lot of credit for recognizing this MC&A talent challenge and doing some heavy lifting to build a sustainable plan to resolve it.”
Although the MC&A Academy is less than a year old, its impact is already being felt across the NNSA. The Academy team’s recent NNSA Honor Award recognition is just the beginning of this story. An early career MC&A Academy was recently held for those who have worked in the MC&A world for seven years or less, and the MC&A Academy program will continue this summer.
Congratulations on this honor, Geneva and Wilder! MELE thanks you for this fine work.